60 years of work, passion
and innovation

In 1962, in Via Stalingrado, the seven founders of Cooperativa Modellisti Bolognesi used to spend their evenings in the workshop, building the wooden tables they would work from the following morning. Today, in 2022, the 85 members and employees of Vetimec are preparing to inaugurate a facility that will ferry our Cooperative towards yet another new challenge: the production of giga tools.

Sense of belonging. Teamwork. Fairness. Growth.
Future. Competence. Courage.

These concepts have accompanied us through more than half a century of factory life, through successes, crises and struggles, in a context that has changed time after time and often undermined our confidence. Visions that, even in the darkest moments, have been the beacon and the engine driving our hallmark “cooperative” spirit. That unique something that makes us stand out from any other work organisation – as you will hear, over the next few pages, directly from the mouths of our very own men and women. “Members, with different characteristics but equal dignity”: this was the original pact made by the founders; a pact so relevant sixty years on as to make all of us, their heirs, walk past a new hall, with its forward-looking machines, and say with pride, “All this is mine, too”.


To celebrate our 60th anniversary, we have planted 60 new trees which will absorb 5 tons of CO2 and will be a source of work for local farmers. Follow the project on:
